For many years the founders of PathHub have worked informally with a network of laboratories and medical professionals. They have helped to devise innovative solutions for busy healthcare departments looking for ways to overcome funding constraints in the NHS, including the launch of alternative, more cost-effective yet high quality services.
The partnership was consolidated in the formation of PathHub as a division of Uralensis Innov8 Ltd. and the launch of two specialist laboratory services, PathHub Labs and PathHub Research. PathHub Labs offers a full histology testing menu to the NHS and private sector via a network of CPA-accredited laboratories across the UK, whilst PathHub Research specialises in project management and laboratory services for research institutions.
The PathHub team constantly seeks innovative ways to enhance patient care and provide value to clients. Two years of development and testing have gone into the design of their latest service, one of the most user-friendly, online pathology reporting services in the country: PathHub Path-Online. This leading-edge system facilitates the integrated reporting of laboratory histopathology specimens quickly, easily and securely to speed up patient diagnosis and improve turnaround times. It’s a valuable tool for all healthcare professionals and clearly demonstrates PathHub’s dedication to a philosophy of continuous improvement and a customer service that is second to none.
Our mission & values
At PathHub we strive to develop new, effective ways to enhance patient care in the NHS and private sectors and provide outstanding value and support to busy healthcare professionals.
We aim to deal honestly with our clients and secure their loyalty by providing user-friendly solutions, the most competitive prices, fast turnaround times and excellent service that is error-free.
We believe that strong teamwork and the development of collaborative partnerships with all our clients are crucial to our success. The PathHub team works hard not only to honour every contract scrupulously, but to exceed client expectations wherever possible. We offer a personalised, responsive service that can effectively make us an extension of the client’s own team: a true partner.